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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 1 September 2015 uploaded

Submitter's message

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Regrets: none

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meetings:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201508/msg00182.html (Harrison, 25 August 2015)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Bob, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports


1. Action items
25 August 2015:
David: Submit statement of use for PTC (completed)
Review "DITA 1.3 from A-Z"
Tom (completed)
Robert (completed)
Chris (completed)
Michael (completed)
Eliot (completed)
"Why three editions of DITA 1.3?" committee note
Nancy: Convene working group
Tom: Act as reviewer and graphics provider
Kris and Bob: DITA-OT plug-in to generate Committee Note PDF
Kris; all completed or in progress

2. Calendar for critical dates to enable DITA 1.3 to be released in 2015
Schedule: July - December 2015
Kris; on schedule

3. Continuing item: DITA TC review of Adoption TC white paper:
"DITA 1.3, from A to Z"
Kris;' any discussion or comments?
Don; Keith needs to have his way as an editor. he may not be putting corrections in word for word. Some corrections may be correct statements, but not worded
for someone new to the information.
Robert; any time I've sugested wording, I have zero attachment to that particular wording, I just needed to give an example of what I was looking for.
Kris; I sugegested one wording that had to do with subject scheme, but other than that, most wording suggestions are just that, suggestions, not mandates.
Don; just clarifying that Keith needs discretion.
Kris; thanks to TC for being so quick with responses.
Keith; me too; thanks for quick response.
Kris; once you're done incorporating changes, Keith, would you like a single review?
Keith; I've reached out to all commenters, but one would expedite things.
Kris; is there someone who could help keith with a read?
Robert; I could do it.
Joann; also, when you do reviews, please take sarcasm down; I thought there was some of that.
Keith; I've published 4 books, i've seen and heard much worse.
mp; I don't remember seeing any, but if any of mine came across that way, I apologize
Robert; me too
Kris; if you want to take that offline with me, Joann, please do. We also want to always take a collaborative approach.
Don; appropriate reminder; let's move on

4. Continuing item: DITA TC Committee Note: "Why are there three editions of DITA 1.3?"
- Brainstorm of what we want this committee note to contain
- Volunteers: Amber Swope, John Hunt, Nancy Harrison, Tom Magliery (review & graphics)
Kris; Nancy has already sent out request to convene; any other volunteers
- Plug-in status
[Kris asked for some help with the plug-in, wrt page regions for different rendering. Eliot offered to help.]

5. Continuing item: Campaigning for the DITA 1.3 vote:
Volunteer to spearhead this effort?
Kris; things to consider are; are there part geos?; particular verticals?; templates for notes and emails?; who can lead discussion on this item?
Tom; I'm willing to organize it. I don't know who are the right people for different areas.
Kris; we have info anout that in TC.
Tom; I'll start working on it.
Kris; I'll discuss it with you during the week.

6. Continuing item: dita.xml.org
Continue discussion from 21 and 28 July 2015
Information about activity on ALL OASIS focus areas
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00119.html (Eberlein, 24 July 2015)
More history about dita.xml.org
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00120.html (Eberlein, 24 July 2015)
Excerpts from DITA TC minutes re dita.xml.org, 2014-2015
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00148.html (Eberlein, 28 July 2015)
Excerpts from DITA TC minutes re dita.xml.org, 2014-2015
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00148.html (Eberlein, 28 July 2015)
Kris; Keith expressed interest in being involved; any news from adoption TC?
Keith; at last mtg of Adoption TC, Don and Mark Posten agreed to come up with
plan is to have a charter for this new focus group.
Kris; are there members of DITA TC who want to work on this?
Joann; they'd have to join the adoption TC
Kris; naturally, as well as Dita Adoption TC focus area SC
Don; we need to really have a UI and an understanding of creating that. so if anyone has that interest/background...
Kris; also, think past the TC; members of your company, other TCs, great opportunity for other people to get involved with a more targeted project; these could be the kind of folks who will never take part in regular TC work. Would be along lines of the old dita.xml.org editorial board.
Don; before we only had content, for this iteration, we're more like content mktg professionals, we have to understand our audience better. The Adoption TC has content responsibilitiy. this group needs to match site and site behavior to needs of users.
Kris; absolutely, an incredible opportunity.
Keith; It's not a problem than not everyone is jumping up and down to volunteer; folks who don't join now can join later.
Don; Mark and others in Mekon are now on vacation in Europe, so not a rush right this second.
Kris; fine, just keep TC posted. glad to hear there's solid progress in SC.

7. Continuing item: Closing inactive subcommittees
- On hold until OASIS launches the Open Source initiative, likely to happen September/October
Kris; Chet thinks OASIS will open their open source initiative around October, or at least no later than end of the year. if OASIS really makes this functional, it might also enable wider participation in dita.xml.org. I keep pestering Chet about this.
[still on hold]

8. On-going items: DITA 1.3
Lessons learned:
What worked well?
What didn't work?
How can we improve the process in the future?
Kris; anyone want to contribute to this?
Don; the proposal template updates improved ability of TC to review proposals.
Eliot; agree, that process worked well; forced writers to have proposals much more complete and well-formed.
Robert; it made editorial changes much easier.
Stan; I agree; I think this release ran about as smoothly as possible.
Chris; agree; I wonder if, when we get to stage 3 process where actual spec language goes into the spec, it would be better if the actual proposer had to incorporate actual spec language into spec?
Eliot; where various proposals made many small changes to a single piece, that could be more confusing.
Kris; as editor, I'd say it would be very good if we could improve review of proposals before they came to the TC for formal review.
Robert; they were better than in 1.2, but not perfect. Having language written up was the single best difference, it forced proposal writers to think much harder about providing complete and accurate info. In 1.2, we got to spec integration with big holes.
Kris; e.g. intersection of key scopes and subjectschemes...
Eliot; in SGML and HyTime, we would meet face-to-face 3 times a year for day(s)-long review. TC doesn't have that option.
Kris; do we want to try to consider having more face-to-face TC meetings?
Robert; why don't we schedule a release party for 2.0?
Kris; what about for 1.3? at DITA NA 2016?
Joann; an anniversary party?
Kris; well, we missed our 10-year anniv early this year...
... social discussion...
Kris; one thing that worked well in 1.3 was when we shifted to targeted reviews.
Eliot; having DITAWeb available made doing reviews much better.
Robert; agree.
Tom; targeted reviews made it easy for me to get comments from my company. able to give small bits and pieces.
Nancy; also using DITAWeb, and seeing other comments while you were commenting, was a huge help; it would jog thoughts about the material.
Kris; it was a bit hard as an editor, but definitely made a better review.
Kris; any additional comments?
Don; one possible change for 1.3; use services that create branded gear for sale? offer gear to go along with marketing? could print out a certificate to give to participants. to help community get on board.
Kris; interesting idea

11:48 ET Close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 1 September 2015

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2015-09-07 08:41:55

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