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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 3 November 2015 uploaded

Submitter's message
[action items sent out previously]

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Regrets: Scott Hudson, Dick Hamilton, JoAnn Hackos

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201511/msg00004.html (Nancy Harrison, for 27 October)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Bob, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports


1. Action items
15 September 2015:
- Stan: Assess how lists are ordered in the Language Reference (COMPLETED)
6 October 2015:
- Bob: Build DITA-OT 2.1 plug-in for XHTML version of committee note (COMPLETED)
27 October:
- Kris: Correct steps topic (COMPLETED)
- Kris: Look for previous discussion of multiple steps in general task (COULD NOT FIND)
- Robert: Correct MathML example topics; correct reltable topic
Robert; just checked in reltable, about to check in mathml.
- Eliot: Investigate changes that are needed to remove default values for @processing-role from reltable (COMPLETED)

2. Calendar for critical dates to enable DITA 1.3 to be released in 2015
Schedule: July - December 2015
TC meetings on 10 and 17 November 2015 -- Importance of attendance if you want to vote on ballot
Overlap with tcworld and DITA Europe; might need Tom or Nancy to chair
Kris; only 2 meetings between now and 11/17; in order to vote, Joann, Scott, and [maybe] Eric have to be here for both; everyone else needs to be on the call for at least one of the next 2 meetings. I will be at DITA Europe, so I might be late next week; may need Nancy or Tom to chair. and maybe will need to reshedule opening time?

3. Comments on the 60-day review
Wiki page
New comments:
Problems with DITA 1.3 XML Schemas for Subject Scheme and GlossGroup (Radu Coravu, 2 November 2015)
Eliot gave overview; Radu noticed that URN for subjectscheme shell didn't match 1.2 version, so I corrected that by updating RNG files and generated new versions.
- Kris; one question; are these changes clearly non-material?
- Eliot; yes; don't affect functioning ; we're not changing any content model
- Kris; just looking at SVN comits for this, looks likes in the commits your changing L&T group.mod and learning?.mod, but none to glossgroup, even though Radu mentioned it.
- Eliot; I just made a change to a comment in those files - didn't see actual comment - not getting those mails - may be a comment that I didn't see;
- Kris; a link in front page wiki to actual mail; we've got to be careful of what we change; might want to wait to make changes till we have a comment; we have to reference them in the log.
- Robert; just, if a change isn't directly related to a comment on the log, it's hard for us to justify it
- Kris; we have to prodcue a clear and comprephensive change list; what package it affects, and what it refers to
- Michael; is it a problem that he mentioned the proble mon Github, rather than official OASIS dita-comment
- Kris; I don't think so; I had him mention his comments on official list so we could track them.
- Don; so the reported inconsistency has to be ogged to dita-comment; any comment changes need to be mailed to TC list and we need to have discussion in TC before making the changes
- Eliot; I did miss Radu's comment on glossgroup; fix to that would be to add comment changes to glossgroup.mod
- Kris; any objections to Eliot making those changes
- Don; want to understand; if ref was missing, does this change functioning?
- Eliot; just changing the reference in the catalog
- Don; is there any change to the resolved definition?
- Eliot; no, not making a change that coul d affect a grammar file, just ensuring backwards compatibility; need 2 different URNs for
* AI; Eliot will make changes to files related to glossgroup
- Kris; back to changes that were made to glossgroup; do we need to back them out
- Eliot; I could submit a comment to cover them, or I could back them out.
- Kris; I'll ask you to add a email to DITA TC list so we can log this as a comment on the log, so we have a record of the comment that led to these changes
* AI; Eliot will send email to TC about his reasons for amaking changes to learninggroupmap.mod andlearning objectmap.mod
- Kris; eliot, you did a commit for a large number of files. Is this in regard to a non-tracked issue? might have been something that came up on dita-ot?
- Eliot; something Radu had reported on a defaults that was missing, and I realized that there were a number of defaults that weren't getting set. Sot I set them
should probably have a formal report of the issue
- Kris; can we reference Eliot's note to the list saying his fixed something?
- Robert; I think so
- Kris; does your email cover why you made the changes? or is it dust about reltables? I think so. your note covers it. Because we're making changes to files in resposne to second open review. hwen Chet opens ballot, he notes to the fact that we have mnade changes, he send out logs to everyone so they can review and approve that.
- Don; I'm concerned we haven't logged the missing default attributes not being a material change;
- Kris; we can agree today that the changes weren't material, and make the statement again.
* TC agrees to consensus that changes eliot made wrt correcting attribute defaults on XSDs are non-material changes, [get url ref to his mail explaining that to put in minutes]

4. Changes to XML grammar files on 28 October 2015

5. Continuing item: DITA TC Committee Note: "Why are there three editions of DITA 1.3?"
Final items:
Statement about DITA 2.0: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201511/msg00009.html (Eberlein, 3 November 2015)
Kris gave overview; posted mail about this, and also a request for confirmation on DITA 2.0 note in editions document.
[TC members reviewed statement]
- Kris; any concerns
- Tom; couple of suggestions. if you put backwards-compatibility first, can refer back to that in arch re-design para. in arch design, meant committee, not community
- Dave; make sure all changes
- Tom; just awkward to have 'revisiting design choices twice in a row
- Don; 'for dita 2.0' but 'throughout dita 1.3'
- Kris; i'm not hearing discomfort, just tweaks.

Remaining work items: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201511/msg00010.html (Eberlein, 3 November 2015)
- Tom; I saw mail from Eliot; some of his points I think should go into the spec, some I had issues with.
- Kris; a note from Dick re redoing tables rather than graphics.
- Eliot; since i had an opinion, I'll work on it, but i don't feel need to have my views get in; i just gave my opinion but i trust Tom.
- Nancy; I'll help
- Kris; we'll volunteer Dick in absentia, though he may not be able to do it.
- Kris; re 2nd point (counting files...)
- Tom; I'd just like toh ear from someone who had good methods for doing this;
- Kris; we don't want to have this go out wrong...
- Tom; i emailed eliot and robt about my methodology; i'll re-forward that mail to the TC
- Kris; i did a count of elements, for doctypes, i used a spreadsheet
- Tom; i grepped for - robert; navtile and linktext are defined separately, so tom's would be off by 2.
- Tom; I'll relook at the numbers and send to TC about them.
- Kris; a volunteer, to resolve this?
- Eliot; I could do it, though Robert is probably more qualified...
- Robert; I'm loking too.
- Tom; eliot and robt will do.
AI; Tom, Eliot, and Robert will resolve the question of how many elements are in each - edition, for 'why 3 editions' document.
Latest PDF:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201511/msg00008.html (Eberlein, 3 November 2015)

Review participation:
Don Day, Kris Eberlein, JoAnn Hackos, Dick Hamilton, Nancy Harrison, David Helfinstine, Eliot Kimber, Tom Magliery, Chris Nitchie, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Bob Thomas, Eric Sirois
12/16 voting members = 75%
Kris; hopefully we can vote on this next week.

6. Continuing item: Campaigning for the DITA 1.3 vote: (Tom Magliery)
Ballot info for DITA 1.2: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/voting/ballot.php?id=1968
Spreadsheet of OASIS voting members who will vote to approve DITA 1.3: http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/dita/administration/voting-OASIS-members-August-2015.xlsx
The spreadsheet includes e-mail addresses, whether a company uses DITA, whether the company is a TC member, and whether the company voted Yes on DITA 1.2
NEW: First pass at assigning contacts to OASIS voters
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201510/msg00034.html (Tom Magliery, 9 October 2015)
Kris; it's time to move into intense campaigning to get th is approved
Tom; the first thing is to finish up spreadsheet; I don't think I got replies froms ome people who said who they knew, not yet merged into spreadsheet. need to create a first pass at dividing up spreadsheet among TC members. we'll have a template email; for each person you're assigned to contact; you can send the template email to each one. Then you'll send the email to each person ont he list soliciting their vote.
Kris; I've volunteered to draft an initial cut at that email
Tom; Stan, you found a similar email that was sent for 1.2, can we use that? I'll send that out to group for review
Kris; another thing; get a sense of how many people we need to vote yes to get it approved
Tom; what are rules on voting
Kris; look at 3.4.3 initial balloting; will send this to list.
Tom; i'll figure out what the number of votes we need.
Kris; another thing we can do is to send a first email to folks who voted yes for 1.2; data is correlated in the spreadsheet.
Stan; frequent communication and haveing a good game plan with a spreadsheet that we went thru every week.
Robt; had a list of who was assigned, if we knew they planned to vote yes, we verifyied it
Kris; so 2-part process; what we did before vote opened, then what we did after vote opened,
Robt; before the vote is where most of work is; if they have questions, answer, try to get them to agree, then just confirm.
Kris; we'll hav this as primary agenda item for next 4 weeks, will need screen sharing; can we continue to do that for 10th? but will need diffferent one for 10th, when we're at dita europe
Tom; we may have a
Kris; anyone who can volunteer screen sharing for next 3-4 meetings?
Jim; I can do that; I'll chheck the max, but I don't think there'sis one
* AI: Jim will check screen sharing, and will get info about his screen sharing out to TC for next 3 meetings; if he won't be present set it up so someone else can start the meeting.
AI: Jim Tivy will set up screen sharing for next 3-4 meetings, while Robert is out of town.
AI; Tom will wortk on OASIS voting campaign issues, e.g. figure out how many wotes we need, send out first cut at spreadsheet
Kris will draft inition cut at first email ('cover letter'?) to voting members.

7. Continuing item: Discussion re TAB comments on CSPRD 01
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201508/msg00074.html (Eberlein, 8 August 2015)
Hyperlinks for all element and attribute mentions: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TAB-1276
Alphabetize lists: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/TAB-1273
New e-mail: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201511/msg00011.html (Doherty, 3 November 2015)
Stan reviewed lists; after reviewing them; opportunites are in markup element tables (these would benefit from being sorted), teminology lists, and lists of attributes. There are probably ~40 lists and tables in all that could be sorted. Others are outside scope, e.g. looking at app C with content models, inside table cells lists of targeted elements, but those aren't sorted. If they're auto-generated, we don't need to sort them, otherwise they could be sorted as well.
Tom; wondering if oxygen has list-sorting (XMetal does)
Kris; we'll put you down for list sorting at 2.0

8. Continuing item: Report from Lavacon
Kris Eberlein, Robert Anderson, Keith Schengli-Roberts, Tom Magliery
Lively discussion from 27 October 2015 about the state of DITA track/sessions at non-DITA-specific conferences; brought up the fact that sessions tend to be high level and do not meet the needs of some attendees; ideas about how to work with conference organizers to remedy this situation.
Kris; any comments from Tom? [who wasn't there last week]; we thought some DITA sessions were at a high level that idn't meet needs of attendees; what worked well, wht didn't, in your opinion?
Tom; Joe Gollner's report on lavacon was very good. Some keynotes were interesting, some were not (the marketing ones) overall, I thought it was a useful conf. from session perspective, though not so useful from vendor perspective, not much contact at our booth. I didn't formulate strong opinions about DITA sessions; sometimes people were lost on what speaker was talking about.
Kris; any questions or comments?

close at 11:53

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 3 November 2015

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2015-11-10 02:02:10

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