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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 26 April 2016 uploaded

Submitter's message
(Robert hit the jackpot this week...)
1. Robert will add item clarifying keyscope naming characters to errata list
2. Robert will add topicseref to 'to-be-deleted at 2.0', and will modify section in spec.
3. Robert will add items to errata list to deal with extra [and incorrect] entries in 1.3 catalog files.
4. Robert to add table display-atts error to errata.
5. Robert will add the error in DITA 1.3 ditavelref example code to errata.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Regrets: Dick Hamilton

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00026.html (Nancy Harrison, for 12 April 2016)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Eliot, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports

David Helfinstine is no longer with PTC and therefore no longer on the TC.

1. Action items
12 April 2016:
Kris: Communicate with Syncrosoft about adding official 1.3 links to their rendering of the spec (COMPLETED)
Kris: Send e-mail to Chet about closing Semiconductor SC (COMPLETED)
Kris: Send PDF of Carlos Evia's article to DITA TC list (COMPLETED)
Tom: Archive the CMS/DITA NA flyer in Kavi (COMPLETED)
Robert: Add item to DITA 1.2 errata list (COMPLETED)
Tom and Kris: Update "Why three editions" to include info about linking to spec
Kris: Convene initial call for the group working on the new committee note (UNDERWAY)

2. Announcements:
New members: None

3. Continuing item: Characters allowed in @keyscope
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201603/msg00040.html (Kimber, 29 March 2016)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201603/msg00044.html (Tivy, 29 March 2016)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201603/msg00045.html (Nitchie, 30 March 2016)
Kris; I had thought this was closed, because we thought there was a place in the spec where it was covered, but it turns out there is no such place, so we need to re-open the issue. What can we do moving forward?
Eliot; we could restore the one sentence as an errata; it shouldn't be seen as changing normative meaning.
Robert; I would like to do that, but I'm uncomfotable with the statement "it doesn't change anything".
Eliot; It doesn't change anything because keynames names are used to construct keyscope names, so we have to use the same rule.
Chris; I agree with that; it really could be inferred from our definition of keyscopes, but it should be stated more explicitily.
Kris; Can I get a volunteer to come up with precise language?
Eliot; in the DITAWeb of an early 1.3 review version, under the section labeled "keyscopes", it's the last sentence in the second para under "Keyscopes"; it says that the legal characters for keyscope names are the same as for those of key's names.
Kris; so is the suggestion to just add that back?
Eliot; yes.
Kris; Robert, are you comfortable with that
Robert; yes, I am
Kris; any objections?
[none, approved]
Keith; because this works a lot like a new normative statement, will OASIS push back
Kris; it's not normative, just a declarative statement.
Robert; that was my concern, too.
Kris; but given Eliot's reference to the statement in the spec that says: 'you can override keyscope by names constructed using key naming rules', we can push back if they try to do that. We just need to make it clear that the spec already implicitly states this, we're just making it more explicit and clear. Not a new normative statement.
ActionItem: Robert will add item clarifying keyscope naming characters to errata list

4. New item: Key scopes and topicsetref
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00008.html (Kimber, 13 April 2016)
And many additional e-mails ...
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00015.html (Nitchie, 14 April 2016)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00016.html (Anderson, 14 April 2016)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00017.html (Kimber, 14 April 2016)
"[Kimber] I'm convinced that the behavior of topicsetref with regard to keys is sufficiently established by the existing language for format="ditamap" references to topicrefs."
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00018.html (Day, 15 April 2016)
Should DITA TC deprecate topicset and topicsetref for DITA 2.0?
Consideration of imperative vs delayed processing
Robert gave an overview; how should keyscope names be treated wrt topicset/topicsetref? They're convenience elements and should be treated exactly the same way as any topicref with format=ditamap. Ongoing discussion whether those 2 elements are really needed in the spec anymore. I've heard people say it should be deprecated for 2.0; I agree with that. Defined around a particular purpose that Erik Hennum had for it at IBM.
Kris; was this around IBM beta 'classification' domain?
Robert; yes, the elements are not even used at IBM anymore. And Erik wasn't even around to write up his 1.2 proposals.
Kris; and I felt pain even in 1.3 around the 1.2 process.
Kris; shall we add deprecating these 2 elements to 2.0 list?
Robert; I have been able to justify topicset, but not topicsetref. so at least topicsetref should be deprecated.
Don; should be deprecated with recommendations for how to accomplish.
Nancy; Are we recommending deprecation or actual removal at 2.0?
Robert; I'd say removal.
Stan; But we should put a list on our wiki; here's our wishlist/deathlist for 2.0; that way, if someone really had a case for anything we're planning to remove, we'll hear about it.
Eliot; I polled people, and 2 people came back with using topicset; neither was using it in the way the spec says as deferred navigation.
Kris; what is the use of topicset?
Robert; it's a convenience element; it says 'this is a group of topics that is referenceable; a unit of information that is meant to survive as a unit, even if it's not maintained that way'.
Kris; so shall we add topicsetref to list of 'to-be-removed in 2.0' items?
Eliot; in 1.3, there's no 'deferred navigation' mentioned wrt it; section says 'enables .. another dita map'; it shouldn't say that.
Robert 'or another map' is itself a candidate for deletion via the errata.
Kris; but don't the examples show it happening in the same map?
ActionItem: Robert will add topicseref to 'to-be-deleted at 2.0', and will modify section in spec.

5. New item: Extra [and incorrect] entries in 1.3 catalog files
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00032.html (Anderson, 21 April 2016)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00033.html (Anderson, 21 April 2016)
Kris; simply handle this as 1.3 errata
[TC approved]
ActionItem; Robert will add items to errata list to deal with extra [and incorrect] entries in 1.3 catalog files.

6. New item: Error in topic of 1.3 spec
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00029.html (Eberlein, 21 April 2016)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00030.html (Anderson, 21 April 2016)
Kris; we added an incorrect attribute to table as a side effect of the new attribute display presentation?
Robert; added '@display and @scale from display-atts group'; ot should be '@frame and @scale from display-atts group'. and frame'. We changed @expanse to @pgwide for table to match CALS tables.
ActionItem: Robert to add table display-atts error to errata.

7. New item: *Minor* Error in DITA 1.3 ditavelref Example Code
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00035.html (Schengli-Roberts, 26 April 2016)
Kris; the code sample is missing a comment that was in the original proposal, which makes the example less meaningful.
Tom; the comment got stripped out when we were paring down the code examples; do we need to look at other code examples?
Robert; probably, but I think most of the ones that got stripped out were slightly different.
ActionItem; Robert will add the error in DITA 1.3 ditavelref example code to errata.

8. Continuing item: DITA 1.3 errata
Volunteer to be project manager? Brainstorm list of tasks a project manager would perform.
New item: How can we better share the workload of the DITA 1.3 errata?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00034.html (Eberlein, 26 April 2016)
Kris; we need to make progress on this; I can't do it all.
Nancy; I would be willing to work on style sheets or builds.
Bob; we'll need significant work to move to 2.x style sheets
Kris; do we really need to go past 1.8.5 style sheets for the 1.3 errata?
Bob; I'm willing to do style sheets, if someone else does builds.
Joe; I'm willing to help with DITAWeb.
Kris; so we have 3 volunteers, including one for DITAWeb mgmt, which includes; adding new users, helping with password resets, ditaweb admin, interface with folks at Congility as needed, setting up the reviews. And for each new web review, we need 1 build, with 2 outputs placed in the correct place, 3 emails to the TC about it
For builds, we need 1) build script, 2) set up what we need for OASIS, 3) run with certain frequency, looking for errors in source files, 4) output available when necessary, for review or for OASIS process.
[to be continued next week]

9. Continuing item: Work on committee notes
Update to "Why Three Editions"
"Upgrading to DITA 1.3"
[nothing new]

10. Continuing item: Topics for discussion on dita.xml.org
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201603/msg00016.html (Eberlein, 23 March 2016)
Working page for dita.xml.org
[link for wiki page]
Kris; are there topics on which we should instigate discussion? Keith, any updates?
Keith; I reported at the Adoption TC mtg. yesterday; we currently have a draft taxonomy set up, looking to get that from Congility. Also, thanks to Stan, we got the majority of DITA white papers either in PDF or some other format. Don has done a pass at converting other content that we want to move.

11. Continuing item: How to move the DITA 1.3 spec up in Google rankings
Message about links to DITA 1.3 spec:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201603/msg00038.html (Eberlein, 29 March 2016)
Should we revise the "Why three editions" committee note to include this information? 12 April 2016: YES; Tom to coordinate
Kris; has anyone googled it recently?
Tom; not quite doing better yet.
Eliot; when I google it, the OASIS link is #4
Kris; so it's getting a little better...
Robert; but our TC wiki is higher...
Kris; for those of us who post to dita-users list, we can add the link to our signature

12. New item: OPML and DITA Maps
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201604/msg00023.html (Day, 15 April 2016)
Don; a long look ahead; how can DITA work better in the web economy? for it to work dynamically, it needs to relax things... 'imperative vs delayed processing' How do we popularize DITA in the web economy, rather than just in the publishing community?
Kris; do you want anything added to our potentioal list of 2.0 considerations?
Don; I'm still thinking of what it should be..

11:59 PM ET Close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 26 April 2016

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2016-05-02 09:47:37

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