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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 21 August 2018 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Tom will contact Carol Geyer to get the session recording loaded to the OASIS Youtube channel.
2. Eliot will get Github session slide deck to Kris.
3. Tom will put video and slide decks up on Dropbox, and let people who contact him have the link.
4. Kris will work with Tom and Maria to schedule 'sample Github' session. Are there folks on call who want to be part of it?
5. Bob will try to get PDF spec output from 2.0 branch
6. Tom will think about whether he can commit to acting as convener for multimedia domain working group and give us an answer by next week.
7. Kris and Robert will get their editorial work done on topics that were part of stage 3 multimedia domain proposal by Sept 4th.

2.0 proposal deadlines:
- Stage 1:
#98 Dawn 9/4
#164 (redesign hazardstatement domain) and [unnumbered] (add elements to 'howtoavoid') Dawn/Kris ??
- Stage 2:
#155 Alan 9/17
#107 Keith; asap, definitely by 9/4
#21 Eliot; 8/28
#34 Eliot; 8/28
#33 Eliot; 9/11
- Stage 3:
#105 Robert, ??

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Carsten Brennecke, Bill Burns, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Carlos Evia, Richard Hamilton, Nancy Harrison, Alan Houser, Eliot Kimber, Tom Magliery, Chris Nitchie, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Dawn Stevens, Bob Thomas

1. Roll call
Regrets: Scott Hudson, Eric Sirois, Maria Essig

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
14 August 2018:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201808/msg00042.html (Harrison, 20 August 2018)
moved by Kris, 2nd by Bill, approved by TC

3. Announcements:
New TC members: None

4. Action items
31 July 2018:
Kris: Communicate with Joe Pairman about metadata attribute proposal for DITA 2.0
- Kris; does anyone have Joe's email address at SDL?
14 August 2018:
Robert: Provide command-line equivalents for SourceTree actions in education session slide deck
- Robert; will do this week

5. Subcommittee reports
Report from LwDITA subcommittee
- Carlos; working to try to get developers to create LwD tools; we don't want folks who want LwD to have to use full DITA tools. Spec writing is getting momentum; created new branch for draft of what spec will look like; will have first official meeting this week of folks interested in doing spec. Want to have something concrete as we work on spec; also, there will be a lot of work for this during 2018.
- Kris; any changes in architecture or content models?
- Carlos; we talked about the 'dl ' element; we realized we don't want to damage experience of creating topics in markdown, since that's one of the great draws of LwD. We'd recommended that for elements that aren't in Markdown, users can write in HML5, e.g. the 'dl' element. But it's really very ugly to include HTML5 inside MDITA, so we decided to include Markdown Extra as the basis of 'dl' element instead.
- Kris; so did SC consider updating CN to reflect that change?
- Carlos; yes, we already have some errors for an errata, so we could fix CN, or should we just go to spec writing?
- Kris; I'd fix the CN, it doesn't require a vote. it will be a year or more before the spec is ready for public review.
- Alan; are we limited in substantive changes we can make in CN? e.g. removing elements from CN? We had to put the CN in a 2nd public review...
- Kris; CNs are non-normative, so a public review is completely optional; we did it originally for LwD CN to get feedback. So I don't see a reason to do a public review for corrections of something like 'dl'.
- Alan; i thought it was a requirement.
- Kris; once you do any public review, any substantive changes require a second public review. but if you don't do a public review, you don't need a second one.
- Carlos; I have a couple of small items, so that plus the dl is all the SC woudl want to do at this time.
- Kris; I recommend that you update the CN.

6. Spec editing needs
- GitHub and GitHub tools education
- Rescheduled for Thursday, 16 August 2018, 2-3:30 PM ET
- Report back
- Kris; we had 90-min session with Eliot; there's a recording plus slide decks available.
- Alan; thought it was great, helped a lot.
- Where shall we store the recording of the session?
- Kris; where should we store this; we could create a DITA youtube channel, or we could use the OASIS Youtube channel.
- Tom; just fyi, session recording is 111 MB.
- Alan; it seems like we could use OASIS's channel for this
- Tom; can anyone post videos to OASIS channel?
- Kris; doubt it, probably have to get it to OASIS and have them post it; that's why I think we should do our own.
- Tom; would we use this for more than one video someday? should we have it publicly available? or sould I just put it up on a dropbox?
- Kris; on gen'l principles, everything we do should be publicly available. we have recordings of various webinars; OASIS loaded them to their channel, e.g. the DITA 1.3 webinar.
- Tom; who did we contact to get them on?
- Kris; probably Carol Geyer
- Tom; I'll do that
***ActionItem: Tom will contact Carol Geyer to get the session recording loaded to the OASIS Youtube channel.
- Kris; we had a number of folks who wanted to see the recording.
- Tom; I can put it on Dropbox temporarily, and then get it on the OASIS channel thru Carol.
***ActionItem: Eliot will get Github session slide deck to Kris.
***ActionItem: Tom will put video and slide decks up on Dropbox, and let people who contact him have the link.
- Kris; we did have requests to have a 'sample' session that would walk people thru the process, Tom and Maria offered to be guinea pigs for that.
***ActionItem: Kris will work with Tom and Maria to schedule 'sample Github' session. Are there folks on call who want to be part of it?
[Alan, Bill, Nancy, Stan wanted to be part of that session.]
- Scheduling next session

7. New map reference element
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201808/msg00043.html (Bissantz, 20 August 2018)
- Deb; is there a 'subjectSchemeref' element like ditavalref? (a question from a developer) Do we want to creating one on for 2.0?
- Robert; there is a schemeref element, which has the right semantics, but it's only available in SS itself, so it doesn't serve Deb's purpose.
- Kris; but its existence complicates introducing it as a convenience element.
- Eliot; couldn't we just break schemeref out into its own domain?
- Kris; should we consider this in 2.0?
- Robert; it makes sense. OTOH, breaking it out from SS might be a pain; it's allowed only at root of SS, and definition is specific wrt processing, which wouldn't apply in a new context. We could simplify definition.
- Kris; there's a lot of special processing that was defined around schemeref elements; maybe we should consider it as part of the larger 2.0 work on SS. Is there a reason to consider a new element, rather than using schemeref?
- Robert; i dislike having 2 identical elements, so I'd lean toward breaking it out into a domain.
- Kris; what would have to be done to do that?
- Robert; create the domain, and include it in the SS shell. It could be put into mapgroup.
- Tom; would we need schemeref in other groups that mapgroup is used in?
- Robert; it would be unnecessary, but mapgroup is full of things that you don't need it for, you could just use the things in it.
- Tom; where does the name mapgroup come from?
- Robert; from it being just a bunch of map elements.
- Tom; but not called mapelementgroup... :-)
[discussion of origins of mapgroup from 1.0...]
- Tom; could we clean up things like this to make them ore appealing in 2.0?
- Robert; I don't think anyone not reading the spec would ever encounter 'mapgroup'.
- Kris; so, do we want to move this forward as a stage 1 proposal, to add schemeref to mapgroup and redefine whatever is necessary.
- Robert; I don't object; Deb, can you take it on?
- Deb; with a mentor...
- Kris; I'd be willing to work on this with you.
- Kris; any objections?
[no, Robert will create a card for this]

8. DITA for Technical Communication
Spec editing work items:
- GitHub house-keeping
Master branch should contain DITA 1.3 technical content (as released for Errata 02)
Consensus on what branch should be used for development work
- Divide up element-reference topics; assign to individuals
- Restructure element reference topics using new DITA 2.0 format
- Ensure that DITA map for spec in working branch matches PDF that small group considered
Incorporate new example for glossentry from Scott Hudson
- Kris; Bob, where are we on this?
- Bob; the master branch was sync'd with DITA 1.3 in November, the only other branch is called 2.0 now. (was topic-refactor)
- Kris; are we ready to have folks get moving on that?
- Bob; I still have to prove that we can produce output off 2.0 branch
- Kris; can you work on that this week?
- Bob; yes;
- Kris; and that output needs to match output decided on at last call
- Bob; what changed?
- Kris; there was some re-factoring of structure of content that removed unnecessary levels of nesting.
- Bob; I'll have to produce it and see what comes out.
- Kris; the sooner we can get folks working on it, the better
- Bob; so my goal is to get a PDF out of 2.0 branch
***ActionItem; Bob will try to get PDF spec output from 2.0 branch

- Enable steps to nest (Anderson, stage 3)
- Robert; will work on this
- Bookmap enhancements (Sirois, stage 2)
[Eric not on call]
- New diagnostic elements for troubleshooting topic
- Bob; haven't done anything on that in a whilem, will put that on my to-do list once I've done housekeeping
- Kris; also, did I send out notes from last meeting?
- Nancy; yes, you sent out a table with names and elements groups

9. Committee note about multimedia domain for DITA 1.3
OASIS template requested and received in 2017; basic maps and topics set up
GitHub repo opened; DITA source uploaded
Action items:
- Convene working group call; interested parties are Carlos, Keith, Chris Nitchie, Kris Eberlein
- Kris; can someone step forwad as point person for this?
- Tom; what does that mean?
- Kris; someone who will convene working group calls and track process of CN; doesn't have to be an active author, but might be helpful.
- Tom; I'll think about it, can't commit, but will think about it.
***ActionItem; Tom will think about it and give us an answer by next week.
- Get DTDs that Chris Nitchie produced in 2017 into the GitHub repo (currently in SVN)
- Determine outline of what content the committee note will contain
- Editorial: Kris and Robert need to edit the topics that were part of the stage three proposal
- Kris; Robert and I are bottlenecks, so folks can move forward with CN. Robert, what timeframe can you commit to?
- Kris; I'd like to aim for next 2 weeks. what about trying to have enough of an edit by Sept 4th?
- Robert; then we need to do it sometime next week
***AI: Kris and Robert will get their work done for this by Sept 4th.

10. Review status of DITA 2.0 proposals in progress
- Kris; Alan, what about #155?
- Alan, sometime after Labor Day.. maybe 9/17
- Kris; #98?
- Dawn, we were going to work on it, but there's still not much done.
- Robert; let's make focus of that what you wanted, rather than what Jang wanted, since you'll be doing the work on it (Jang still not a TC/OASIS member).
- Dawn; we'll add elements to 'howtoavoid', as part of work on 'new titleless topic, ETA will be 9/4.
- Kris; I'd be willing to take on what we need for hazardstatement domain; we need to change the specialization base - is that what we want to do?
- Robert; I think so, but don't remember for sure...
- Kris; does it make sense to combine that with Dawn's proposal wrt 'howtoavoid'?
- Dawn; yes
- Kris; Dawn, shall we own that one jointly?
- Dawn; sure.
- Kris; also, there are 25 stage 1 proposals; everyone should go thru them and decide if there are any they can either own or want to discuss.
***ActionItem: all TC members need to go thru the 25 stage 1 proposals for 2.0 and decide if there are any they can either own or want to discuss.

Stage 2:
#107 Keith; asap, definitely by 9/4
#21 Eliot; 8/28
#34 Eliot; 8/28
#33 Eliot; 9/11

Stage 3
#105 Robert; not sure when this can be done; it's a substantial amount of work.
Kris; how can I collate dates on proposals better? It's hard to do from within Trello cards.
Nancy; I can collate them within minutes, separate from ActionItems
Kris; please do that.
Robert; I don't think we can maintain that kind of grouping in the cards. If you're thinking of having a wiki page, we could make this nested within the wiki agenda under 2.0, so it would appear in the agenda; that would make it easier for Nancy to change/update it.
***ActionItem; Robert and Kris; set up way to display due dates (for work on 2.0 proposals) on wiki page.
Tom; I can't find any dates in the issues.
Robert; dates are generally in minutes, and they often don't amke it into the cards.

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 21 August 2018

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2018-08-22 14:25:20

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