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Subject: RE: [dita] Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 16 March 2021 u ploaded

Hello Nancy,

My name is misspelled twice misspelled in the minutes. 

As mentioned below, I'm still a member of the TC and I'm very interested on the webinar. 

Rodolfo M. Raya
Maxprograms https://www.maxprograms.com

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [dita] Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 16 March 2021 u
From: Nancy Harrison<nharrison@infobridge-solutions.com>
Date: Wed, March 17, 2021 2:42 pm
To: <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>

Submitter's message
Note that I'm pretty sure I didn't get all the names of companies down accurately; please let me know where they're wrong or misspelled. thx


Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Carlos Evia, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Eric Sirois, Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann, Jim Tivy

Voting members:
Robert Anderson y y
Deb Bissantz y y


1. Roll call
Regrets: Carsten Brennecke, Chris Nitchie, Gershon Joseph

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
02 March 2021
X (Lawson, X 2021)
[deferred till submitted]

3. Announcements

4. Action items
[no updates; see agenda for complete list]

5. Check-in: How are people doing in this difficult time? How is your state/country doing?
[no official business discussed]

6. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines
Stage three
(Kimber) Deprecate or remove copy-to attribute (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/33)
15 March 2021: Proposal to reviewers (Anderson, Sirois)
?: Initial discussion by TC
?: TC vote
- Eliot; I updated the grammar files, I'll put in a pull request for them...

(Nitchie) Loosen attribute specialization rules (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/15)
(./) 25 August 2020: Early draft feedback received from all reviewers
? : Submit to reviewers
? 2021: Initial TC discussion
? 2021: Vote by TC
- Kris; I'll touch base with Chris on working with him on this proposal.

7. What aspect of DITA 2.0 is most appealing to you?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202103/msg00017.html (Eberlein, 16 March 2021)
- Kris; let's go around and list our priorities...
- Zoe; cleanup, for clarity
- Dawn; the feature I wrote the proposal for; changes to troubleshooting/diagnostics.
- Stan; nested steps
- Nancy; loosening of @ specialization rules, even though it's not quite done yet.
- Eliot; general cleanup, and getting rid of chunking and copy-to.
- Keith; multimedia object, also nested steps.
- Eric; updated bookmap proposal, plus removing chunking and copy-to.
- Robert; removing chunking, also nested steps
- Scott; nested steps; allowing examples in more places; ditaval enhancements.
- Frank; nested steps; new ordering for alt titles; cleanup.
- Carlos; multimedia objects in base, also changes to simpletable to make it more compatible with HTML5.
- Deb; nested steps, overall cleanup.
- Kris; especially for people using Adobe EM, cleanup, streamlining, and eliminating technical cruft.

8. Shall we do a DITA 2.0 Webinar for vendors?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202103/msg00018.html (Eberlein, 16 March 2021)
- Kris; would be good for companies to start planning for 2.0 now, not wait till it gets approved.
- Stan; that's a grand idea, we can find out if they're invested in investigating, who are the early adopters?
- Keith; one interesting data point; wrt tech writer job positions; the last peak happened right around the release of DITA 1.3, so there's a benefit of more gen'l awareness and interest in DITA, a general publicity effect...

a. Brainstorm on "What are the companies that we should encourage to attend?"
- Zoe; is there anything wrt migration doc that we should have beforehand? Or does the webinar help us figure out what we need to put into that document?
- Kris; both; we need to have some stuff prepped, but the response will help us focus on what we need for migration guide. So, suggestions on who to invite?
- Stan; Keith has a list of vendors on his ditawriter site.
- Keith; would want to update that list, just off the top of my head:
-for CCMS: AEM, SDL, Ixiasoft, Vasont, EasyDITA, docs???, Componize, Bluestream.
- for editors; Syncrosoft, jep Xeditor, onto? netherlands, Arbortext??
- Kris; Arbortext is no longer sold as standalone, only with Windchill, but we might want to contact PTC.
- Scott; might want to include translation tool vendors? Could talk to Rudolpho Raya, from xlation perspective
- Zoe; what about Altova, (XMLspy)?
- Frank; and what about Quadralay
- Zoe; they don't even support 1.3
- Frank; actually, they do.
- Zoe; -ish... What abaout Topleaf? DITAtoo?
- Keith; in Japan, a couple of DITA tools; Dante by Infoogreen, and Darwin by NextSolutions. We can also see the list on the ditawrites page.
- Keith; wrt xlation WHP?
localization services vendors who work in DITA space?
- Scott; do they have tooling, or just services?
- Kris; there are translation tools out there, that need to be updated when new version of DITA. Wrt Rudolpho, MaxPrograms, DITA publisher. And Rudolpho is still a TC member.
- Keith; what about content delivery tools? e.g., Congility, Zoomin, Moravo?, RenderX, Stilo..
- Kris; what about Orbis?
- Eliot; I don't think any resources are going into it.
- Kris; what about RSI?
- Eliot; RSI CCMS is now Orbis.
- Kris; so that's marginal, any other CCMS vendors?
[none noted]

b. Brainstorm of roles; "Who within those companies (role or person) should attend?"
- Kris; who's interested in working on this?
- volunteers were Carlos, Robert, Zoe (for presenting, but not for contacting/organizing)
- Deb; what's the time frame for this webinar?
- Kris; we need to wait till Chris's last proposal is thru the pipeline, but we should have a date set and enough work done so we can promote it at Convex. Deb, how's that?
- Deb; next 2 months are packed for me, but if it's in June, then I might be able to commit.
- Dawn; I can volunteer to help with organization.
- Kris; that would help. What about targeting early/mid June for a date?
- Carlos; that works for me
- Eliot; me, too.
- Kris; so mid June. So there are 2 questions to answer:
1. Who, or what roles, do we want to contact in the companies that we want to get? so, product owners, and lead product architects.
- [agreement]
- Deb; we don't have an architect; we have a development lead, a product owner, or a dev. mgr.
- Kris; then the next question:
2. what aspects of 2.0 will be most challenging for vendors? What will require the most thought and planning?
- Kris; for CCMS's, the ways in which they can ease conversion of content from 1.3 to 2.0 will be one big item.
- Deb; it's important to highlight compatibility-breaking changes, since they require preparation.
- Kris; that's why we required the migration info in the proposal template.
[to be continued]

12 noon ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 16 March 2021

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2021-03-17 10:42:27

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