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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Xalan with docbook.xsl problem

I don't think a DOCTYPE of "title" will work.
Is that a typo in your mail?  If not, then that
is the problem.  XT uses XP which is not a validating
parser, so it probably didn't care.

FWIW, I've used Xalan and Xerces quite successfully
on Docbook XML.  In the latest conformance review
on www.xml.com, they got a 99% ranking, which is
the highest given so far.


> From: Christoph Steinbeck <steinbeck@ice.mpg.de>
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> "file:/z:/documents/xml/dtd/docbookx/docbookx.dtd" [
> <!ENTITY intro SYSTEM "intro.xml">
> <!ENTITY structures SYSTEM "structures.xml">
> <!ENTITY chemgraph SYSTEM "chemgraph.xml">
> <!ENTITY bibliography SYSTEM "bibliography.xml">
> <!ENTITY glossary SYSTEM "glossary.xml">
> ]>
> Any hints are highly appreciated. 
> Cheers, 
> Chris
> --
> Dr. Christoph Steinbeck (http://www.ice.mpg.de/departments/ChemInf)
> MPI of Chemical Ecology, Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10, 07745 Jena, Germany
> Tel: +49(0)3641 643644 - Fax: +49(0)3641 643665
> What is man but that lofty spirit - that sense of enterprise. 
> .. Kirk, "I, Mudd," stardate 4513.3..

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