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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL print StyleSheets

/ Bob Stayton <bobs@sco.COM> was heard to say:
| xtchunk.xsl.  Norm said he plans to make that more flexible
| in the future using parameters, but for now you will have
| to modify xtchunk.xsl to change it.  Be prepared to learn a
| lot of XSL if you want to do that.

I hope you wouldn't need a lot of XSL. It should be as "simple" as changing
the xt:document calls to yourprefix:whatevertheelementis calls. The
rest of the logic should "just work".

If anyone has experience with chunking using another tool, I'd love to
hear about it.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | I have often wondered why I [keep]
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | going...There [can] be no hope and
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | no reward. I always recognized
                                   | that bitter truth. But I am a man,
                                   | and a man is responsible for
                                   | himself.--Sam Magruder (George
                                   | Gaylord Simpson)

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