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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: docbook-tools


I am trying to use db2rtf (docbook-apps 0.5).

with sdocbook xml.

 I have also tried jade, which produces some rtf but the formatting is not good.
There are no distinctions between the title and paragraphs and well.. 
it all is in one block. Footnotes and all, ofcourse..

i do think that my catalog file fails to recognise sdocbook, but i have told both jade and db2rtf where to find the dtd as well as the stylesheets, and also made clear that it is xml, and an article, not book. I believe... but then i am most probably wrong since it doesn't work,... right?

I was hoping maybe someone could help me out...?

   |  telmin    \  	   
   |   @ol.   []|  	   
    |  telia   /	  	   
     |   .no  |	  	   
It isn't my cup of tea!

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