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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: footnotes in tables fail for -ttex only

Our DocBook source is going fine through to HTML and RTF, but
the process blows up for PDF & PS output.  We've identified
footnotes in entries within a table as the culprit.  (Take
those out and the document sails through for all output forms.)
We're using OpenJade 1.3.

In "DocBook: The Definitive Guide" on the reference page for
<footnoteref> is a table whose entries contain footnotes.  This
example exhibits the same problem.  I repeat it here as a complete
document for convenience:

<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1//EN">
     <title>Are footnotes broken within tables?</title>
       <tgroup cols="2">
	    <entry>foo<footnote id="fnrex1a"><para>A meaningless
	    <entry>3<footnote id="fnrex1b"><para>A meaningless
	    <entry>bar<footnoteref linkend="fnrex1a"/></entry>
	    <entry>5<footnoteref linkend="fnrex1b"/></entry>

Here are the log error hilites for pdfjadetex -- jadetex is similar:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-14d (MiKTeX 1.20e) (preloaded 
format=pdfjadetex 2000.8.10)  2 OCT 2000 22:57
**&pdfjadetex tablefoot.tex
JadeTeX 1999/06/29: 2.7


File: t1phv.fd 1998/07/06 Fontinst v1.800 font definitions for T1/phv.
) [1.0.57{pdftex.map}]
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `T1/phv/b/it' in size <17.28> not available
(Font)              Font shape `T1/phv/b/sl' tried instead on input line 397.

! Missing \endgroup inserted.
<inserted text>
l.587 }

I've inserted something that you may have forgotten.
(See the <inserted text> above.)
With luck, this will get me unwedged. But if you
really didn't forget anything, try typing `2' now; then
my insertion and my current dilemma will both disappear.


Neither pdftex nor tex really recover from here; a slew of additional
errors fill the log.  I've only recently started reading The TeXBook
and have not yet gotten good at diagnosing blowups.

Any ideas?  Thank you for your consideration.


Kenneth J. Hughes

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