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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Visual editing

> From: Chris Willmot <chris@willmot.co.uk>
> We have begun writing an XML editor for KDE which will (hopefully) be
> extended to support drag-and drop type editing of XSL/XSLT stylesheets too.
> As direct support of DocBook will probably be included, some of you here
> might have something to add.
> Are there any things that
>   you would like to see in an editor,
>   you think are great in the one you use,
>   or really irritate you?
> The more input from real users the better we can make it, so please feel
> free to add your comments to our growing collection.

I would like an editor that supports modular documentation,
that is, one that supports editing of a SYSTEM
entity within its context.  If I have a master document
that pulls in several text fragments as XML system
entities, I would like to be able to open each fragment and
still edit it in validation mode, in a context equivalent
to it being embedded in the master document.  Arbortext
supports this or something like it, I believe.


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