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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: trying the website.dtd example

On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, I wrote:

> ...I thought to try Norm's website.dtd, specifically the example
> website.xml in the distribution.

Sorry about my previous brain-dead post. Let's hope this one isn't
another in the series.

I continue to get this error:

> file:/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/xsl/xsl/website.xsl:165: variable "id"
> not defined

whenever I run XT on the webite.xml and .dsl files. I think I may have
better luck with xalan, the java version, but it hangs with strange
(at least to me) error messages about being out of memory. Am I being
told my 64 meg of ram isn't enough? (Running Linux here.)

The c++ version of xalan built without apparent mishap, but it throws
errors about namespace problems and seems unusable. Has anyone got it
to work in Linux?

SO, if anyone is building documents with the website DTD and xsl
stylesheet, and managing to do it on Linux, could you share any tricks
'n tips about the xsl processing?


Bob Bernstein                |   This space reserved    |
at                           | for cutesy irrelevancies |
Esmond, R.I., USA            | and embarassing personal |
                             |       disclosures.       |

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