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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Another website.dtd experience!

Dave Pawson wrote:
> For Euro sourced files iso-8859-1 is a good bet.
> I'd rather not speak for other processors, but I trust Saxon to
> get it right.

Oh yes! This helped me to correct the errors. I just can't
understand why I didn't guessed it by myself. Anyway thank
you for the advice.

Saidly I still get this bad toc.hhc file with SAXON, doesn't 
matter wich parser i use (build-in, XP and Xerces). Norm says
that he can't reproduce this case. Is there anyone elese out
there with same problem?

Here a short summary of the case:

If I create the HTMLHelp files with SAXON the file toc.hhc
looks like this:

<BODY> ...

instead of 


For more details see my mail from 9th November. I think this only
appears if you use SAXON (I am using Ver. 5.5.1).

Dipl.-Ing. Ali Saffari - Junior Consultant - SBU Software
Josef-Lammerting-Allee 14-18 - 50933 Cologne - Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)221 770-1853 - Fax: +49 (0)221 770-1005
mailto:asaffari@pironet.com - http://www.pironet.com

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