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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Images and pdf again

Ian Castle <bb+lists.docbook-apps@LOOKSystems.co.uk> writes:

> > I have tried to use the ImageMagic tool myself, but I was not able to
> > get the right combination of options to the convert program.  So, what
> > I do is convert images (GIF or PNG) to eps, by using convert.  Then I
> > use a epstopng perl-script, which is based on the epstopdf script made
> > by Sebastian Rahtz, et al.  This writes the PNG files in the correct
> > resolution.
> > 
> [...]
> Am I missing something? I use ImageMagick to convert with
> 	convert file.eps file.epdf
> 	mv file.epdf file.pdf
> Does this loose information? Everything seems OK as far as I can
> tell....

Well, I use ImageMagick-4.2.9-3 and GNU Ghostscript 5.50 (2000-2-13).
To convert postscript, I use the epstopdf (for vector images) or
epstopng ( for bitmaps ).  epstopng is a slightly modified version of
epstopdf, which uses -sDEVICE=png256 and "-r<a>x<b>" to set the DPI.

So, to include a bitmap in 150 DPI in pdfjadetex, I use the following

 $ convert -density 150 dx_lang.png dx_lang-conv.eps 
 $ epstopng --dpi 150  dx_lang-conv.eps

This gives me a dx_lang-conv.png file that I include in the SGML
source document.  Works fine for us.  I think that Camille has some
problems using ImageMagick 5.

 Thomas André Berger               Open Systems Computing AS
 email: thomasbe@osc.no            Kongensgt. 9, N-0153 Oslo, Norway
 phone: +47 2331 4758		   phone +47 2220 4050, fax +47 22 20 02 85

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