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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL for RTF or Word!!

At 12:57 20/11/2000 +0100, Ali Saffari <asaffari@pironet.com> wrote:

>Thank you very much for your Advice!
>Now I am able to generate RTF. But one question still remains!
>I get a pure flat RTF-File. This means that the file contains only
>the characters from the source document!! No admons, itemized lists,
>graphics, not even paragraphs are converted. I can't believe that
>this is the output I should get!!! :-(
>Any idea what it can be?

I got it too a long time ago (and i got paragraphs in red too, for the same 
You have errors in your text, and jade cant recognize your document 
structure to apply DSSSL rules... see the error log file.



Laurent POINTAL - CNRS/LURE - Service Informatique Experiences
Tel/fax: 01 64 46 82 80 / 01 64 46 41 48
email  : pointal@lure.u-psud.fr  ou  lpointal@planete.net 

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