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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: XSL HTML stylesheets: no output for keywordset

I'm having a problem generating META tags for my
<keywordset>.  I traced the problem to head.content,
which takes $node from "*" mode="process.root" and
looks for an appropriate info child (bookinfo,
articleinfo, etc.)  I do have an <articleinfo> defined
in my <article>, and the <articleinfo> contains a
<keywordset> which contains <keywords>.  The XML
validates, but head.content does not find my
<articleinfo>, so $info ends up empty, so
apply-templates select="$info/keywordset" does

While attempting to debug this, I noticed that
name($node) = '', so $node/articleinfo is empty.  But
name($node/*) = 'article', and $node/*/articleinfo is
valid.  If I change it so that $info looks for
$node/*/bookinfo|$node/*/articleinfo|etc., it works,
but this feels like a hack and is probably not the
correct solution.



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