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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re[4]: DOCBOOK-APPS: probs with grafics in docbook-xml and passivetex

Hi Norman,

NW> / Ingo Bruell <ibruell@gmx.de> was heard to say:
NW> | Sure but the error was that the fileresource was an url and PassiveTeX
NW> | do  not  understand urls as resources. I have changed the graphics tag
NW> | in the fo document to not use a url and now it works.

NW> Please report this as a bug at http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/

NW> I need to not generate url() if PT is being used, I guess.

I  am  not  sure  if  it  is  a bug in docbook i think the macros from
passivetex have to ignore the url.

so long

Ingo Bruell

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