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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Justification of document <title/> in Docbook-FO

I'm just irritated by this...  Whenever I try to process a DocBook
<article/> with a <title/> under <articleinfo/>, the title is fully
justified, but only if the title is too long to precisely fit on one line.
I think this is *really* ugly.  I would wish that the title were centered
or at the very least left-justified.

This happens with the XSL stylesheets, FO output, the generated PDF has
those same characteristics whether converted to PDF by means of FOP
(0.19.0 CVS) or PassiveTeX.  Grrrr...

Rafael R. Sevilla <sevillar@team.ph.inter.net>   +63(2)   8177746 ext. 8311
Programmer, InterdotNet Philippines              +63(917) 4458925

Version: 3.12
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