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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Slides customization layer: special Header?

I'm requested to have a header similar to the following in my slides:

    <table BORDER WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#66FFFF" NOSAVE >
	    <table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="30" BGCOLOR="#66FFFF" NOSAVE >
		    <table BORDER COLS=3 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#33CCFF" NOSAVE >
			  <td>preceeding Title</td>
			  <td>actual Title</td>
			  <td>following title</td>
		  <td><b><font size=+1>Actual Title</font></b></td>
	  <td><img SRC="logo.gif" ALT="Logo" NOSAVE height=32 width=77></td>

How do I get Norm's slides stylesheets to generate that text?  I'm
currently investigating, what titles should be displayed, currently
I'd like to display the titles of the preceeding/following foil if the
actual foil is not in a section element and the section titles
otherwise (in the first line).  The last line should always display
the foil title.  I'm not very familar with XSL, so it would be nice if
someone has an example.


Nicht weil die Dinge schwierig sind, wagen wir sie nicht,
sondern weil wir sie nicht wagen, sind sie schwierig.

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