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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Enumerating lists of tables and figures


We're using DocBook 3.1, with version 1.3 of Norm's stylesheets for HTML
output. We're not too concerned with keeping up with the Joneses.

If we create a book with articles, the lists of tables and figures don't
progress across articles. To illustrate, suppose that article 1 has two tables
and one figure; article 2 has one table and two figures. The resulting LoT and
LoF respectively would be as follows:

1 .....
2 ....
1 ....

1 ....
1 ....
2 ....

Perhaps this is the normal convention for this kind of thing -- if so, I don't
particularly care for it. 

Otherwise, if it's a bug, do the current stylesheets still behave this way?


Andrew Westcombe

Documentation Manager
Gaming and Entertainment Technology (GET)

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