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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Q) newbie to docbook and chunking


On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Rafael R. Sevilla wrote:

> Frankly, I found the DSSSL route much too clunky, so I decided to go the
> XSL route.  Three things are needed to do it this way:
> [...]

At least when using FOP, I don't have the impression that the XSL route
is yet ready for DocBook. One has to explicitly specify column widths in
tables, chapter/section names in headers are not yet supported because
fo:marker (hope I got it right) is yet missing in FOP, etc. I also heard
of some difficulties when working with larger documents (which means more
than some 20 pages).

> [...]
> Rahtz's PassiveTeX.  The latter can be used to typeset MathML, but it's
> relatively more difficult to set up than FOP (standard TeX installations
> that come with the Linux distros I use don't work very well...I had to get
> the 250 meg TeXLive ISO to do it!).

Could you please post the URL where it can be downloaded from?




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