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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Problems with glossterms,DocBook FO-Stylesheets (1.48) and FOP

Hi all,
I have Problems to generate PDF with FOP 0.20.2 and the new
XSL-Stylesheets (1.48). (I don't dealing with
the master-reference stuff here!)

FOP dies complaining about twice defined IDs:
[ERROR]: The id "lock" already exists in this document

I identified the glossary-related stylesheets as producer
of the second id. After commenting out
<xsl:template match="glossentry/glossterm[1]" priority="2">
in glossary.xsl it worked.

I assume this is a problem of the Stylesheets, but neither
PassiveTEX nor XEP report problems.

My source fragment:
<glossary id="gloss">
   <glossentry id="lock">

The generated fo-Fragment looks like:
   <fo:list-item ... id="lock">
     <fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
       <fo:block id="lock">Lock</fo:block>


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