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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: OpenJade 1.3.1 (Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Print backend: problems withtable layouts

On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 03:35:24PM +0000, Josef Karthauser wrote:
> I'm using jade at the moment, but wondering whether it's worth moving to
> openjade.  What I'd really like to get working is texual flow about
> figures and sidebars.  That doesn't appear to work in jade.

I don't think this is possible with the simple-page-sequence feature,
it will probably need page-sequence, which is not in openjade either -
there are plans to implement it, however.

From what I've seen, openjade has a better (debug) proc, which gives
details of a nodelist, has generally better error messages, and
rejects a couple of invalid constructs that jade happily accepts while
letting yourself wondering what you got wrong.

Yann Dirson <Yann.Dirson@fr.alcove.com>                 http://www.alcove.com/
Free-Software Engineer				      Ingénieur Logiciel-Libre
Free-Software time manager    	       Responsable du temps Informatique-Libre
Debian GNU/Linux developper <dirson@debian.org>

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