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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Preface page numbers problem revisited.

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On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 02:22:01PM -0800, Sasha Zucker wrote:
> first, the usual information:
> FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE=20

  Since you're already using FreeBSD, check out the FreeBSD
Documentation Project CVS repository.  We have a number of
enhancements to the DocBook stylesheets all wrapped in some make(1)
glue so you can conditionally turn on different stylesheet features
with simple build variables.  'make BOOK_OUTPUT=3D1' turns on all of the
enhancements, which includes a fix for the preface page numbers.  In
fact, the 2nd Edition Handbook (www.freebsdmall.com, amazon.com,
etc..) was published with only minor modifications to the stylesheets
available in the FreeBSD CVS repository.

  I would recommend just checking our entire tree, building the
handbook with the above option, and then stealing the bits and pieces
from our CVS repo that you need to get your job done.  You didn't
mention what version of JadeTeX you are using.  3.11 is recommended,
something newer than 3.6 is essential.

	  - Murray

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