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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: authoritative source for SGML ISO character entitydefinitions?

>From: Ian Castle <ian.castle@looksystems.co.uk>
>To: "Matt G." <matt_g_@hotmail.com>
>CC: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
>Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: authoritative source for SGML ISO
>         character entity definitions?
>Date: 15 Jan 2002 17:45:38 +0000
>I maybe completely wrong here... but...
>... In linux land, there is a package called sgml-common which
>contains the definitions.
>Really, the linux tools (RPMs from say, redhat, Mandrake et. al) are
>getting to the point where they provide a good environment for
>docbook processing "out of the box".

Thanks, but I'm not really interested in packages.  To properly maintain an 
industrial-strength installation, it is ideal to be able to obtain and 
upgrade each component, independently.  ...and I don't want to grab entire 
kits, simply for the sake of one particular component.

Furthermore, our environment consists of about a hundred Linux + Solaris + 
FreeBSD boxes, and everything must be installed on the network, in a 
reproducible fashion, so RPMs tend to be pretty useless.

The exception I make, for using kits, is for groups of related tools & 
config/data files that are quite mature, such as TeX.

Perhaps sgml-common falls into this category, but it sounds like it might 
have a fair amount of stuff I don't need.

>Anyway, it is worth investigating these - lots of nice little scripts
>for managing catalogs etc.

Hmmm... I'll have to look into that.  I already do some auto-generation of 
catalog files.  Need to do more.

>I also have a feeling that they are on the CD that accompanies the
>DocBook book...

Yeah, that's where I got 'em.

Matt Gruenke

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