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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Apache FOP...

Jirka Kosek wrote:

 >Andrea Giuliano wrote:
 >>$ java sax.Counter -v a.xml
 >>a.xml: 2716 ms (10 elems, 0 attrs, 66 spaces, 107 chars)
 >>$ java  org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process
 >>  -IN file:///home/giuliano/iccu/appunti/sparsi/a.xml
 >>  -XSL file:///usr/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.48/fo/docbook.xsl
 >>  -OUT a.fo
 >>file:///usr/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.48/fo/docbook.xsl; Line 94; Column
 >>16; Making portrait pages on USletter paper (8.5inx11in)
 >>$ fop a.fo a.pdf
 >>[INFO]: FOP 0.20.2
 >>[INFO]: building formatting object tree
 >>[ERROR]: property 'master-reference' ignored
 >>[ERROR]: property 'master-reference' ignored
 >>[ERROR]: property 'master-reference' ignored
 >>[ERROR]: property 'master-reference' ignored
 >>[ERROR]: property 'master-reference' ignored
 >>[ERROR]: property 'master-reference' ignored
 >FOP doesn't support latest XSL FO recomendation. You must preprocess
 >a.fo with fo-patch-for-fop.xsl stylesheet before processing it with FOP:
 >xalan -IN a.fo -XSL .../fo/fo-patch-for-fop.xsl -OUT a2.fo
 >fop a2.fo a2.pdf
Dear Jirka,

thanks for your answer! It works fine, in some cases, but for the
document related to my first message in this thread nothing changes.
I've found right now that if I remove every "revhistory" elements (and
subelements), your receipt works as well. Otherwise, the result is
exactly the same as in my first message.

Best regards.

Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D.
Virtual System Administrator
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico (ICCU)
Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY
Tel. +3964989509

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