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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: MSXML and docbooks

On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 09:28:08AM -0500, Bruce Morrison wrote:
> Hello All:
> This is my first post to the list, and I think I might just need a push in the direction of the proper docs.  I searched the archives, and was unable to find my specific issue discussed...
> I'm using XMLSpy to encode and preview my document, and in that environment (its using MSXML 3) it works fine... this fact makes me think that my problem is not in the parser after all, but... still maybe someone has seen this.
> My hope was to encode my manual in docbook XML format (v4.1.2), and then use the stylesheets (v1.48) to translate it into XHTML on the webserver (efficiencies aside).  When attempting to do this in ASP (dynamically, on Win2k Pro), I get the following error generated by the Parser:
> Error while parsing "file:///C:/Documents and Settings/bgmorrison/My Documents/Visual Studio Projects/HOOPSDev/HOOPSDev_Local/Docs/docbook/common/l10n.xml". Element content is invalid according to the DTD/Schema. Expecting: l10n.
> (note:  I put my DTDs and XSL files both in the "docbook" directory)
> I suspect this is related to file references, but I'm not sure.  Why does it only kick down there?
> Are there any FAQs on using docbooks in this fashion?  Since I first encountered the problem, I've realized I'd be better translating it once and posting the translated flat files, but that's beside the point (I'm curious now).  Plus, if I ever decided to put all documentation in a database and serve it dynamically, I'll need to solve this.

I think this is related to the mishandling of namespaces
by the parser.  In the common/l10n.xml file, it
sets the DOCTYPE to the l10n.dtd, which declares
the <l10n> element.  But the language files like en.xml
all define a namespace and then use <l:l10n> as the
element name.  If the parser were handling name
spaces correctly, this would work, but otherwise it
thinks they don't match.  What parser is the ASP side
using?  Perhaps moving up to MSXML4 would fix it.

Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
Caldera International, Inc.                 fax:   (831) 429-1887
                                            email: bobs@caldera.com

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