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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Document Headers and Footers

Here is a clue for the rules.... It is as simple as I could make

[Caveat: I'm using openjade 1.3.1 and jadetex 3.12... But I *don't*
think that matters - jadetex 3.11 is what is significant, and you have

<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN">

<style-specification id="print">

   (make simple-page-sequence
     page-width: 8.5in
     page-height: 11in
     top-margin: 1.75in
     bottom-margin: 1.75in
     left-margin: 1in
     right-margin: .5in
     header-margin: 1in
     footer-margin: 1in
     left-header: ( make sequence
                    ( make rule
                        orientation: 'escapement
;; Escapement rather that horizontal - this makes the rule "in-lined". Everything in the header/footer wants to be inlined.
                        layer: 1
;; Layer will alter the order in which the "objects" are "rendered". By default the layer is 0. So it will place the literal string first
;; then the rule on top of that.
                        length: 7in
                        line-thickness: 0.5pt )
                    (literal "hello"))
     left-footer: ( make sequence
                    ( make rule
                        orientation: 'escapement
                        layer: 0
                        length: 7in
                        line-thickness: 0.5pt )
                    (literal "world"))

(element para
   (make paragraph


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