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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade 1.3.1 for OSX

A good starting point might be the fink project 
[I've never used it, so this isn't an endorsement...] But it looks as 
though it will make your life easier - as there will be lots of other bits and 
pieces that you will inevitably need to grab...

Not sure when 1.3.1 will be available from fink though... but it may 
server to help get you started.

In general, you'll need gcc and gmake to build openjade... 
there may be other requirements....

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, Nick Hunt wrote:

> Hi All,
> Since OpenJade 1.3.1 is available and now compiles for OSX, is there anyone
> who could offer guidance for building the source under OSX, or who has a
> binary that they could post somewhere?
> Please bear in mind that this beknighted soul has never built an app from
> source before, and would be happy to learn, but would need detailed
> instructions...
> I am sure that there must be others in a similar position,
> TIA for any help.
> Best wishes,
> Nick.
> ---------------------
> From: Nick Hunt
> magmouse@ntlworld.com

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