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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Looking for "swc"

Bernd Kreimeier wrote:
> I need an SGML/XML-aware version of wc to count words, lines, etc.
> directly onm SGML source. I used some db2txt right now, is there a
> a direct way to do this (in the way of sgrep)?

I wrote 'xmlwc' (attached) as an example program for TclXML.
Takes the same command line parameters as the Unix wc

To run it you'll need ActiveState Tcl -

Steve Ball

Steve Ball            |   XSLT Standard Library   | Training & Seminars
Zveno Pty Ltd         |     Web Tcl Complete      |   XML XSL Schemas
http://www.zveno.com/ |      TclXML TclDOM        | Tcl, Web Development
Steve.Ball@zveno.com  +---------------------------+---------------------
Ph. +61 2 6242 4099   |   Mobile (0413) 594 462   | Fax +61 2 6242 4099
# \
exec tclsh8.3 "$0" "$@"

package require xml

set bytes 0
set chars 0
set words 0
set lines 0

proc cdata {data args} {
    global bytes chars words lines

    incr bytes [string bytelength $data]
    incr chars [string length $data]
    incr lines [regsub -all \n $data {} discard]
    regsub -all "\[ \t\r\n\]+" [string trim $data] { } data
    incr words [regsub -all { } $data {} discard]

    return {}

set format {%1$7d%2$8d%3$8d %5$10s}

set input {}
foreach opt $argv {
    switch -- $opt {
	--bytes {
	    set format {%4$7d}

	-c -
	--chars {
	    set format {%3$7d}

	-w -
	--words {
	    set format {%2$7d}

	-l -
	--lines {
	    set format {%1$7d}

	-h -
	--help {
	    puts stderr "$argv0 \[-clw\] \[--bytes\] \[--chars\] \[--words\] \[--lines\] \[--help\] \[--version\] \[file...\]"
	    puts stderr "Counts number of bytes, characters, words and lines in an XML document"
	--version {
	    puts stderr "xmlwc version 1.0"

	default {
	    lappend input $opt

if {![llength $input]} {
    set p [xml::parser -characterdatacommand cdata]
    if {[catch {$p parse [read stdin]} err]} {
	puts stderr $err
	exit 1
} else {
    foreach in $input {
	if {[catch {open $in} ch]} {
	    puts stderr "unable to open file \"$in\""
	    exit 1
	set p [xml::parser -characterdatacommand cdata]
	if {[catch {$p parse [read $ch]} err]} {
	    puts stderr $err
	    exit 1
	catch {close $ch}

puts [format $format $lines $words $chars $bytes $input]
exit 0

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