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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Looking for docbook editor and easier config toolfor stylesheets


Take a look at jEdit. With the XML plugin, it is quite a good editor
with native DocBook support. My only problem is that the XML Catalog does
not seems to work, but I have been informed, that a new XML plugin is
going to be released in a few weeks.

See: http://www.jedit.org



On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Steffen Petter wrote:

> Hello all,
> is there a useful editor for docbook? Abiword is not really good to
> produce docbook files. Emacs is not bad but is generally designed to
> edit all kind of text not specialized for docbook. I would prefer a Java
> implementation to be able work on several plattforms (with the same
> interface).  
> Is there a tool which I can configure stylesheet files with? (xsl and/or
> dsssl) A tool, in which I can choose the parameters from a list and
> store it as a driver stylesheet file?
> Thanks for your help.
> Steffen Petter

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