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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re[2]: DOCBOOK-APPS: Experience with Framemaker 7.o anyone?

Hello Bob,

Many thanks for your thorough answer!

It  seems  that FM could be used if not as an XML editor itself, so at
least as last step in a publishing chain. Right now I think that maybe
I  can  live  with  the shortcomings you mentioned, - or so at least I
will try.

That  the output is not quite 100% perfect, with more or less annoying
changes,  might be acceptable - it depends on the time I have to spend
to fix the problems manually.

The  real  time-looser seems to be the editing of the formatting rules
using  not  the  built-in dialogs but the new EDD rules ... maybe I'll
try  to  cut it down to the "Simplified Docbook", since we hardly need
all the elements.

Anyway,  I  began to convince the department to buy the 7.0, and let's
see ...

Best regards,

klaus | vatidt04@net.va

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