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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: openjade going into an endless loop

On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 12:31:43PM +0200, Yann Dirson wrote:
> Note: docbook-2-html (from sgml2x as well) will do that for you, as
> well as using runjade.

I am thrilled by finding docbook-2-html and the other docbook-2-foo
scripts as they to what I want to do without having to fight. This is
how it should be - why aren't these great tools mentioned in the HOWTO
files on the web?

And there are even man pages.

For the beginning, they do exactly what I currently need: Provide
conversion from docbook sources to HTML and PDF to aid the writing
process. I can think about making the output look good later. This is
great news, and I _really_ appreciate your help.

> I don't think I updated the sgml2x conf to
> find ldp in woody/sid - if not (see whether "docbook-2-html --help"
> lists ldp as available style),

No, it doesn't.

> try "docbook-2-html --style
> local=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/ldp/ldp.dsl"

No output with that:
|haber@karen[12/512]:~/docbook$ docbook-2-html --style local=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/ldp/ldp.dsl firstdocbook.xml
|Das AccountingsystemMarc HaberTable of Contents1. Einleitung.Das AccountingsystemDas Accountingsystem1. EinleitungBlafaselhaber@karen[13/513]:~/docbook$

> > > Try with all 3 jade variants, and see whether they differ in behaviour.
> > 
> > You mean jade, openjade and what's the third?
> jade, openjade 1.3.1 (in package openjade1.3), and openjade 1.4devel
> (in package openjade).

All of the above was done with openjade1.3. All I am currently
concerned is getting any output with a reasonably "free" tool chain.


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

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