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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: (openjade + dsssl) changing <orderedlistnumeration="loweralpha"> rendering

/ Baráth Gábor <dincsi@elender.hu> was heard to say:
| is there anybody knows, how can i change the behavour of the 
| numbering of lists in case of "loweralpha". I need the following
| style:
| a) first list item
| b) second list item

The 'loweralpha' style should be giving you the correct numeration, so
I presume the problem is the ")".

Changing the label-title-sep should fix that:

(define (en-label-title-sep)
   (list (normalize "abstract")		": ")
   (list (normalize "answer")		" ")
   (list (normalize "appendix")		". ")
   (list (normalize "caution")		"")
   (list (normalize "chapter")		". ")
   (list (normalize "equation")		". ")
   (list (normalize "example")		". ")
   (list (normalize "figure")		". ")
   (list (normalize "footnote")		". ")
   (list (normalize "glosssee")		": ")
   (list (normalize "glossseealso")	": ")
   (list (normalize "important")	": ")
   (list (normalize "note")		": ")
   (list (normalize "orderedlist")	") ")  <!-- here -->
   (list (normalize "part")		". ")
   (list (normalize "procedure")	". ")
   (list (normalize "prefix")		". ")
   (list (normalize "question")		" ")
   (list (normalize "refentry")		"")
   (list (normalize "reference")	". ")
   (list (normalize "refsect1")		". ")
   (list (normalize "refsect2")		". ")
   (list (normalize "refsect3")		". ")
   (list (normalize "sect1")		". ")
   (list (normalize "sect2")		". ")
   (list (normalize "sect3")		". ")
   (list (normalize "sect4")		". ")
   (list (normalize "sect5")		". ")
   (list (normalize "section")		". ")
   (list (normalize "simplesect")	". ")
   (list (normalize "seeie")		" ")
   (list (normalize "seealsoie")	" ")
   (list (normalize "step")		". ")
   (list (normalize "table")		". ")
   (list (normalize "tip")		": ")
   (list (normalize "warning")		"")

Now, if you need a) but 1. somewhere else, you'll have to do something trickier
by overriding the definition of gentext-label-title-sep.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | He that will not apply new
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | remedies must expect new evils;
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | for time is the great
                                   | innovator.--Sir Francis Bacon

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