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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Doubled page numbers with preface

Ian Castle wrote:
> There is an extra patch somewhere to cope with that.
> The rule is to start renumbering when you get to the "main thing".
> However, you've got more than "main thing"....
> ..I had a patch for that floating around somewhere.. but it isn't too
> hard to fix.. What is hard is coming up with a nice general rule -
> because there isn't really anything that says "this is where we want to
> set numbers back to 1"... It could be the first chapter, or the first
> preface or the first foreword ....

So why not adding a new parameter, say %restart-page-numbering-at%, 
holding the element for which first occurence in document would trigger 
renumbering. As a fallback (element absent from doc) start numbering 
from 1 on titlepage.

Also, what if someone wants same numbering for whole doc?

> .. Actually, I suppose it could be done.. but it was too hard to fit
> into the existing structure.
> On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 14:54, Camille Bégnis wrote:
>>I have noticed the print dsssl backend (1.77) numbers first pages i, ii, 
>>... (starting from book titlepage) and then restart i, ii, ... on 
>>preface. Is this intended?

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