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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: XInclude doesn't validate with xmllint

* Yann Dirson:

> There is even a use-case for this.  If the individual XML files do not
> validate (ie. conform to a DTD  which has the xinclude elements), then
> we cannot make use of the  existing SGML editing tools (psgml comes to
> my  mind as  one of  the most  widely used,  since its  existence even
> brought some vi adepts to launch emacs sometimes).

In my case, SGML  is the reason why I don't use  XInclude.  I would love
to use  it, but it would  require creating an intermediate  XML document
used as new master document for validating and transforming.  I avoid to
do that because then  the document you have in your  editor (ViM) is not
the same as the one for which errors are reported.

Anyway, interesting to hear your point of view.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot

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