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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Attributes for figures

At 14:49 03/12/02 +0200, Togan Muftuoglu wrote:

I maight be missing but looks like there is attribute sets for figures.
What I mean is I would like have a border around the figure so it is
easily distinguished ( nnot to say that it look better :-). SÄ°nce there
is no such thing How do I make the figures to have frame around them ?


Togan Muftuoglu

Hi Togan,

Despite all my attempts, I didn't manage to obtain a border close to the figure bitmap.

Bob Stayton pointed to me the following advice :
"You would need to customize the template named
'formal.object' in the stylesheet file fo/formal.xsl.
But you would need to learn XSL-FO in order to put
the border attributes in the right place.  Then you
have to hope that FOP can output it correctly."
but my result was to enclose the whole Block and not only the figure.

The solution I found was to use Image Magick convert tool. The syntax :
convert -border 1x1 -bordercolor \#000 file.png result.png
The result is just as I wanted.


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