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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: comments on "Using the DocBook XSL Stylesheets"

Bob Stayton <bobs@caldera.com> writes:

> Thanks for the suggestion, but I couldn't find anything
> in the LSB documents about XML stylesheets.
> Maybe you are thinking of the "Filesystem Hierarchy
> Standard", which is part of LSB.  The latest version is
> 23 May 2001.  It is available at
> http://www.pathname.com/fhs/

Ah, yes.

> It says to use /usr/share/sgml for SGML and
> XML applications.  It mentions a docbook subdirectory for
> the DTD, but makes no mention of stylesheet locations.

Hmm.  We in Debian use /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/nwalsh/

> I don't like using a path with "sgml" in it for a book
> that only covers XML.  Maybe I'll just use /usr/share/xml.

Better to follow even a flawed std than none at all?

Sidenote: I really don't see what the big deal is though with mixing
XML and SGML stuff in /usr/share/sgml -- most of the tools I happen to
use work perfectly with both, and I haven't seen any big problems with
the mixture. But I wouldn't really make a fuss either way.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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