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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: language specific character in PDF output

You have to be sure that a Central European font is installed in FOP's
configuration file (see FOP documentation for details) and that the Central
European font is specified in the FO.  By default, the DocBook stylesheets
use the Helvetica font, which must not have the character ł

-----Original Message-----
From: ABX [mailto:abx@abx.art.pl]
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 1:50 PM
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: language specific character in PDF output

Is there anything I can do to get language specific character to be
correctly in PDF output using Adobe Reader on Windowses ?

I use ł entity as second letter in my original name 'Wlodzimierz'. It
is rendered (xsltproc + 1.58) in xhtml to 'ł' and in fo to '&#x142'
seems of course the same. When I previewed html rendering it is displayed
correct character. When I created PDF using Fop and viewed that character
Adobe Reader 5.0 CE (CE means Central Europe so polish character should be
supported). I have no problems with characters like 'Jérôme'
example. I'm sure fonts on my computer has that letter installed and I'm
I have no separated Helvetica installed. Any ideas?


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