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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: screenshot and itemizedlist,top alignment in single row table

I need to put a screenshot and itemizedlist into a table.

I use a table with 1 row and two cols. The screenshot in the Left cell and the 
list in the Right cell, both in the same row. I find this works well to 
converse space (one page/screen full), and helps readers to match the list 
descriptions with the adjacent picture. In this case a picture of the file 
menu which is long.

The problem is when I do FO output. The distance from the top table border is 
not the same for the picture and itemizedlist. The picture is flush with the 
top border and the itemized list in spaced down about 0.25in.

This results in the visual alignment between the top of the picture and the 
first listitem not being flush with one another. The effect is a waste of 
space and lop sided balance of the table.

I want the top of the picture to align with the top of the text in the first 
listitem so that there is a balance.

How can I adjust either the picture or the list. Prefereably the list should 
move up a little. If I change the default settings for screenshot or 
listitem, all my pictures and lists will be impacted.

I suspect that the same problem will be found in output to RTF and HTML.

Below is a short version of the table.

<table frame="none">
<title>File Menu Options</title>
<tgroup align="left" cols="2" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1.5in"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colwidth="5in"/>
<imagedata align="left" fileref="filemenu.jpg" format="JPG"/>
Sean Wheller

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