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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Including only a part of an external source code

> I'm planning to use DocBook to write a tutorial for the LEDA library 
> (Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms).
> In this tutorial I will present many quite long code examples. i.e. 
> source files of about 100 lines.
> I've just learned how I can include an external code file with something 
> like
>   <programlisting linenumbering="numbered"><textobject><textdata 
> fileref="Code/HelloLEDAWorld.C"/></textobject></programlisting>
> This markup always include the file as a whole - but sometimes I want to 
> include only a part of a file, for example the C++ class definitons, 
> then explain them, and later include hte rest of the code.
> Is there a way to do this with DocBook and one of its tools?

When I was working on a book last year, writing using DocBook, I wound
up splitting the files into fragments, and having a Makefile manage
assembling them.  The start of the Makefile looked like the following:

SCRIPTS = Actions.py pclient.py ComplexAction.py
all: $(SCRIPTS)
PYTHONACTS= ActionHeader.py \
	    Action1.py Action2.py Action3.py Action4.py Action5.py \
	    Action6.py ActionGeneral.py 

Actions.py: $(PYTHONACTS)
	cat $(PYTHONACTS) > Actions.py

Make was managing the fragments, not DocBook.

The main alternative would be to construct a bit of code that knows how
to extract the bits that you want to present out of the "main" program
file.  That's more complex to configure (probably a bizarre "grep").
(reverse (concatenate 'string "moc.enworbbc@" "enworbbc"))
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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