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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook] Docbook and SVG howto

> I begin to ready the part of Bob Staytons book about
> it. I have last question: What svg editor do you use?

As a side note, the best thing about SVG is that it should
not be created in an editor (if a vector graphic from an editor
is required, PDF or EPS do better since implementations support
all of the features of the above formats -- simply because they
do not parse them), but generated from data using XSL stylesheets.

There is a paper by Nikolai Grigoriev of RenderX, prepared for RenderX
vendor presentation at XML Europe 2003, which outlines this approach.
While it is written with bias toward presentation of a new feature,
it explains benefits of this approach in detail.


David Tolpin

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