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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Chapter boiler plate text, xslt stylesheets.

Set the parameter 'chapter.autolabel' to 0.  When this is non-zero, the
stylesheets pull the gentext from the context named 'title-numbered'.  When
it is zero, they pull the gentext from the context named 'title-unnumbered',
which, as you see, has the proper template without 'Chapter %t'.

Jeff Beal

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Pawson [mailto:dpawson@nildram.co.uk]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 2:08 PM
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [docbook-apps] Chapter boiler plate text, xslt stylesheets.
> I'm mis-using a chapter,
> and getting
> Chapter 1.xxx(title)
> any way I can remove the 'Chapter 1' please.
> Nix on Bob's booksite seems obvious.
> http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/CustomGentext.html#CustomGenText
> is close (and pretty sneaky Bob, I like it :-)
> I can't find the 'context' to use that example.
> common/en.xml has
> <l:context name="title-unnumbered">
>        <l:template name="appendix" text="%t"/>
>        <l:template name="article/appendix" text="%t"/>
>        <l:template name="bridgehead" text="%t"/>
>        <l:template name="chapter" text="%t"/>
> Which *may* be used for the gentext, but what's the context?
> Any help appreciated.
> DaveP
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