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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] ANNOUNCE: DocBook XSL:The Complete Guide in paperback

At 19:33 09/10/2003 -0700, Bob Stayton wrote:
>I'm pleased to announce the availability of my book
>"DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide" in paperback.
>You can currently order it from Amazon.com by searching
>in the books category on "docbook xsl", or go directly to
>this URL:
>Buyers are eligible for free PDF updates for one year from
>the date of purchase.  See the colophon in the back of the
>book for instructions.

OK, I feel my arm twisted :-)
I've used it for weeks, if not months.
I've recommended it to lots of folks
(Listening Christian :-)

+1 sale for me Bob.

>As always, you can browse the HTML version at

But only the updates?

Well done Bob.

May it sell well.... and the taxman not find out.

regards DaveP

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