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Subject: FO pagebreak


I'm new to docbook, xml and xsl. I'm just starting to write 
documentation using docbook. For the pdf output I'm using FOP.
In my pdf's I'd like to have pagebreak at the places I define. I've read 
the various malinglist archives on this and tried to use <?dbfo 
break-before="page"?> but i doesn't work.

So I have a few questions:
1. Is putting <?dbfo break-before="page"?> in my document enough or do I 
need to do more?
2. If I need to do more (write a xsl template?) what's the best way to 
do this without breaking the docbook xsl templates.
3. Can someone provide me with a working example for this. There seem to 
be none available (remember I'm new to this).

Any help would be great,

Kind regards,

Danny Kruitbosch

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