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Subject: Generating RSS from XHTML page?

Did anybody do such things? Attached is my first attempt which is obviously 
not succesful. (I am not interested in DB-only solution like website DTD, 
just to generate RSS -- or Atom, it doesn't matter -- from a page or set 
of pages in one directory).

	Thanks for any hints,

		Matej Cepl

Matej Cepl, http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang
   -- Benjamin Franklin

Title: English changes
Matěj Cepl Changes on my website, including some blogs.
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<article lang="en_US"><articleinfo><title>Blog
  </title></articleinfo><sect1 id="id20040822-notes"><title>It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness
  </title><highlights><para>Some thoughts about today's sermon.
  </para></warning><para>It used to be a very often (too often) used (and misused) proverb in the November Turnover of regime in the Czechoslovakia of 1989, that&ldquo;it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness&rdquo;. I was thinking about it today when listening to the wonderful sermon by Roberto Miranda, pastor from another Bostonian Pentecostal church (Congregacion Leon de Juda). His sermon was very original and deep interpretation of the Jesus words&ldquo;anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.&rdquo; (Luke&nbsp;18:17) The main idea was that what we are mising and what Jesus puts here as a precondition of entering the kingdom (which is active verb, not passive waiting) is<emphasis>innocence</emphasis>.
  </para><para>His main explanation of innocence was to put into contradiction with sophistication which is so much valued in the current world (and it is easy to understand where this idea came to him when preparing for sermon in a church in the middle between Harvard and MIT). I am saying it again that it was very important and strong sermon, which obviously touched many hearts and I have no doubts that the Holy Spirit was in his work there. However, one minor thought was still present in my head. With reference to<ulink url="http://jollyblogger.typepad.com/jollyblogger/2004/08/repost_chestert.html";>David Wayne</ulink> and in order to be more positive I would say that I would welcome to put this sermon more in the atmosphere of&ldquo;detached playfulness&rdquo; as prescribed to Christians by Chesterton. It seems to me actually
  </para></sect1><sect1 id="id20040807-lwnotes"><title>LW notes
  </para></warning><para>Some other notes from old papers, these one more related to Living Waters and similar stuff:
  </para><orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts"><listitem><para>Surpisingly the biggest theme being shown here is trying to do everything on my own. There is a lot of shame on need for help and false responsibility to make it on my own. Which is probably largely (even so soon!) effect of&ldquo;defensive dettachment&rdquo;.
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>For my father there is a lot of weakness in women---misogyny!
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>My troubles with encouragement are probably related to my father's&ldquo;leading&rdquo; only by anger, shame, and manipulation.
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>Good stuff shared only with mother.
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>Teddy-bear seen as a gay (because a man is supposed to be a lion!).
   </para></listitem></orderedlist><para>Now on other note:
  </para><orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts"><listitem><para>Jacob bought a well from &lsqb;John 4&rsqb; some local tribesman, who was so much attracted to the Jacob's daughter, Dana (?), that he raped her. Her brothers slaughtered then all men of the other tribe (with deception, revenge and bloodshed).
   </para><para>Jesus then did for the woman at well what God hoped for Dana.
  </para><para>We in our childhood dealt with own issues badly (with deception, revenge and bloodshed or at least shame). Now Jesus wants to heal us.
  </para><para>For others (I don't think it's me &lsqb;?&rsqb;) it's about our guilt against others---Jesus wants to restore us again---John 18 (Peter &amp; Jesus on the shore at the other fire).
  </para></listitem><listitem><para>We are not living out of our own experience but out of our reactions to these experiences.
   </para></listitem></orderedlist></sect1><sect1 id="id20040804-notes"><title>Ton of notes
  </title><para>Here are some small notes to be recorded from papers:
  </para><orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts"><listitem><para>Anticriticism (and legal anti-realism): yes, things are not only what they seem to be, but in many times (mostly?) they are. Conservative criticism -- to criticize only things are which are not what they seem to be.
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>Ethnographic research of legal profession -- and what about people like Posner and Frank, who were lawyers themselves?
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>How much is trust related to<emphasis>symbolic</emphasis> order? How much of the<emphasis>perceived</emphasis> safety and willingness to cooperate is caused by generally shared feeling that&ldquo;things are where they are supposed to&rdquo;, which is mainly symbolically driven?
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>Pierce (middle of XIX. century) -- rationality is what we<emphasis>expect</emphasis> it to be.
   </para></listitem><listitem><para><ulink url="www.csmonitor.com/rss/index.html"></ulink>
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>Symbolic crusade again leads to the question: What is there there? or rather more clearly Is there really what seems to be there?
   </para><para>Is the African-American community really underdeveloped, high-crime, and disorderly? What of these are self-fulfilling prophecies? Perception of the black community as dirty or unmaintained street cleaning in Roxbury/Dorchester/Mattapan? Why a street in Roxbury seems to be more dirty/shabby than the one on the Beacon Hill (for partial explanation see)? It shouldn't be because of poverty of its inhabitans should not make difference on the municipal services? Does it?
  </para><para>Probably more than doubting seriouseness of their situation to find what are the real symptoms. How can I get closer?
  </para></listitem><listitem><para>&ldquo;Trust is built when we make ourselves vulnerable to others ... Letting others know what we stand for, what we value, what we want, what we hope for, what we are willing (and not willing) to do means disclosing information about ourselves. That can be risky ...&ldquo;. (&ldquo;The Leadeship Challenge: How to Keep Getting Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations&rdquo;, Jossey-Bass, SF, 1995, str.&nbsp;167).
   </para><para>Trust related to vulenrability: vulnerability leads to intimacy, and intimacy leads to trust.
  </para></listitem><listitem><para>It bears repeating (and I have already said it), that all my results should be weighted by proportion of SHR total homicides to UCR total homicides for particular city.
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>I should expressly write down, that SHR seemed to be just 90&percnt; complete. Victims' data are rather complete so listwise deletion is possible (according to Fox). Victim age is missing in 1.70&nbsp;&percnt; of homicides, race 1.00&nbsp;&percnt;, and sex in 0.13&nbsp;&percnt;, overall 2.43&nbsp;&percnt; are missing at least one measure.
   </para><para>On the other hand, offenders' data are highly incomplete and situation is getting worse. 26.2&nbsp;&percnt; of perpetrators are unknown (situation codes). Even when sometimes known to police, not always reported.
  </para><para>26.29&nbsp;&percnt; no information about perpetrator, and 31.12&nbsp;&percnt; not complete age, race, and sex.
  </para></listitem><listitem><para>Solution rate decreases with increasing population size and urbanness.
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>Lawrence Sherman (1993)&ldquo;Defiance, deterrence, and irrelevance: A theory of the criminal sanction.&rdquo; J. of Research in Crime &amp; Delinquency, 30:445-473.&ldquo;... when police stigmatize offenders, this endangers defiance. Respectful policing, and giving the offender the benefit of a presumption that he is a good person who may have done a bad act, builds commitment to the law.&rdquo; (BTW, this sounds a lot like a procedural justice).
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>Closure for delinquent? I.e.,&nbsp;does not something similar to closure, especially victim's forgivness and reconcilliation, cannot work as a some kind of closure reintegrating delinquent back into the society of law-abiding citizens? (&ldquo;Tak si podejete ruce?&rdquo; between two boys after their fight).
   </para><orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts"><listitem><para>There is a huge amount of delinquent behavior which social danger (&ldquo;společenská nebezpečnost&rdquo;) is minimalized by reconcilliation, compensation, and forgivness.
    </para><para>Of course, that this is about theft through misuse of Internet in AK Felix a spol.
   </para><para>On the one hand, there is certainly much more crime than police knows about, on the other hand, crime agencies of government (&ldquo;orgány činné v trestním řízení&rdquo;) get only a small share of them.&ldquo;Where is no plaintiff, there is no judge.&rdquo;
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>On the other hand, I have never achieved true forgivness, only monetary making even (&ldquo;odpuštění&rdquo; x&rdquo;vyrovnání&rdquo;).
    </para></listitem><listitem><para>Acceptance of the identity of failure?
    </para></listitem></orderedlist></listitem><listitem><para>&ldquo;A boy will always be in the market for some sort of male identity.&rdquo; (&ldquo;Delinquency and Drift&rdquo; or&ldquo;Companions in Crime&rdquo;).
   </para></listitem><listitem><para>Control of court by victims -- on the one hand it is OK, because it avoids nonsenses and supports reconcilliation and forgivness, but on the other hand it probably allows to get away with a crime for many criminals (i.e.,&nbsp;in case of rape, domestic violence, etc.) Therefore, the campaigns against date rape, domestic violence, etc. are so important because they redefine importance of such acts.

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