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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Multiple "html.stylesheet" declarations for onedocument

Bernd Pörner wrote:

> Are there any possibilities to use multiple
> <xsl:param name="html.stylesheet" select="'xxx.css'"/>
> declarations in my customization layer?

You should consult documentation and list archive first. This question 
was answered many times ago. (I personally answered it here 6 weeks ago).

You can specify multiple CCS stylesheets separated by spaces in 
html.stylesheet parameter.

<xsl:param name="html.stylesheet" select="'xxx.css yyy.css zzz.css'"/>


   Jirka Kosek     e-mail: jirka@kosek.cz     http://www.kosek.cz
   Profesionální školení a poradenství v oblasti technologií XML.
      Podívejte se na náš nově spuštěný web http://DocBook.cz

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