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docbook-apps message

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Subject: clickable links for pdf index entries

I'm using xsltproc to produce a pdf file. In earlier generations of my 
document, I'm almost certain clicking on a page number in the pdf index 
jumped to the page. But now that is not working anymore (but the index 
links work fine in the html version). My FOP output is below. It seems 
I have always had those two errors, but they did not appear to cause 
any problems. Any pointers on how to fix this would also be 


John DeSoi, Ph.D.

xsltproc -o out.fo  pdf.xsl ind.xml
; [INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
; [INFO] FOP 0.20.5
; [INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
; [INFO] building formatting object tree
; [INFO] setting up fonts
; [INFO] [1]
; [INFO] [2]
; [INFO] [3]
; [INFO] [4]
; [INFO] [5]
; [INFO] [6]
; [INFO] [1]
; [INFO] [2]
; [INFO] [3]
; [INFO] [4]
; [INFO] [5]
; [INFO] [6]
; [ERROR] Unknown enumerated value for property 'span': inherit
; [ERROR] Error in span property value 'inherit': 
org.apache.fop.fo.expr.PropertyException: No conversion defined
; [INFO] [7]
; [INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer

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