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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Multiplatform processing from the same source

Hi Paul:

> My understanding is that the 'href' attribute of 'xsl:import' can't
> take a parameter, so I can't pass in something system-specific from
> the Makefile (which would have been clumsy but sufficient).  Is there
> an XSL solution to this problem?

If you can send in something "system-specific" from the Makefile to the XSL, 
then all you need to do is use that parameter you were intending for the 
<xsl:import> and use instead in an <xsl:choose>. For example:

  <xsl:when test="$Machine = 'FreeBSD'>
    <xsl:import ...... />
  <xsl:when test="$Machine = 'WinXP'>
    <xsl:import ...... />
    <xsl:import ...... />

This might do the trick in your top-level custom stylesheet.

- Dan

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul A. Hoadley" <paulh@logicsquad.net>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 1:27 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Multiplatform processing from the same source


This is not a DocBook-specific question.  I have some DocBook XML
documents in a Subversion repository, and I want to be able to process
them on FreeBSD and WinXP/Cygwin machines.  A problem arises because
the customisation layer needs to know where the DocBook XSL
stylesheets are.  (Under Cygwin, the path is
"c:/cygwin/usr/local/share/xsl..." and under FreeBSD it is
"/usr/local/share/xsl...".  I cannot rely on a path relative to the
customisation file, as it can be checked out of Subversion anywhere.)

My understanding is that the 'href' attribute of 'xsl:import' can't
take a parameter, so I can't pass in something system-specific from
the Makefile (which would have been clumsy but sufficient).  Is there
an XSL solution to this problem?  If not, has anyone solved this with
some pre-processing?


w  http://logicsquad.net/
h  http://paul.hoadley.name/

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