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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] docbook and rtf/doc

Even better would be to have an XSL stylesheet that produces WordML 
from the DocBook source.
This is what I and another engineer in my company have done for one of 
our clients.

In fact, we're (almost) doing the round-tripping thing - the original 
authoring is done in Word 2003 [*],
that gets saved as XML (WordML), converted to a more suitable XML 
format (DocBook-like) and
then converted back into WordML for later editing purposes (as well as 
HTML, PDF, etc).

Steve Ball

[*] They're actually using Word XP and DocSoft at the moment until such 
time as they upgrade to
Office 2003.

On 01/10/2004, at 5:41 AM, Bob Stayton wrote:

> Another method is to generate an HTML file, open the HTML file in Word 
> 2003,
> and save it as a .doc file.  That assumes you don't mind manual 
> intervention
> in the process.
> Bob Stayton
> Sagehill Enterprises
> DocBook Consulting
> bobs@sagehill.net
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ben Adams" <benjadams@yahoo.com>
> To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:34 AM
> Subject: [docbook-apps] docbook and rtf/doc
>> What is the perferred way to produce rtf or word doc
>> output?
>> I am still on my quest to get my company to start
>> using docbook instead of word documents, but i just
>> received a request from higher up that they would like
>> to review documents in the doc format so they can
>> inline their comments to the document.
>> I am working with the xsltproc -> fop line of tools
>> right now for pdf output.
>> Thanks-
>> Ben
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Steve Ball            |   XSLT Standard Library   | Training & Seminars
Zveno Pty Ltd         |     Web Tcl Complete      |   XML XSL Schemas
http://www.zveno.com/ |      TclXML TclDOM        | Tcl, Web Development
Steve.Ball@zveno.com  +---------------------------+---------------------
Ph. +61 2 6242 4099   |   Mobile (0413) 594 462   | Fax +61 2 6242 4099

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