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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] adjustColumnsWidth: so what has changed

I'm looking into this right now. It could be some change I made in
my local build environment after the 1.67.2 release.

I'm wondering if the jars from the snapshot build are working. I
use a slightly different build process for the snapshots. So if
the snapshot jars are working, then it's definitely just an
environment problem and not a problem in the source.

Anyway, I'll post a message as soon as I can get it figured out.
And will do a 1.68.1 release as soon as it's fixed.


Mauritz Jeanson <mj@johanneberg.com> writes:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bob Stayton 
> > 
> > Yes, this looks like a bug.  I've asked the developers list 
> > to look into it.
> There is a problem with the xalan25.jar file too. The workaround is the same
> (use JAR from previous version).
> Something went wrong in the build process, apparently. I found that the
> faulty JAR files have incorrect paths (i.e. package structure) inside them.
> In saxon653.jar, the path is "saxon643/.classes/com/nwalsh/saxon" instead of
> the expected "com/nwalsh/saxon". 
> /MJ


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